Delhi Book Fair by Mobius Foundation
Mobius Foundation participated in the Delhi Book Fair (DBF) held from 3rd – 5th September 2021, putting up three stalls to promote sustainability and educate youth through videos of the condition in which the planet finds itself today. The platform was also used to introduce and publicize the International Conference on Sustainability Education (ICSE) 2021, held on September 9 and 10, 2021, soon after DBF 2021.
Virtual Delhi Book Fair united readers, authors, book lovers, and publishers. Due to its easy accessibility, it attracted significant footfall. Considering the opportunity, Mobius Foundation aimed to educate youth through videos. The three primary objectives of this activity were:
ATTENTION: Drawing attention to the ‘Environmental Damage’ we have been causing by our lifestyle and activities today.
AWARENESS: Making people aware of the difficulties and dangers that future generations will have to face. Climate change directly threatens a child’s ability to survive, grow and thrive.
ACTION: Motivating them to become part of environmental crusaders for the preservation of the ecosystem.