International Conference on Sustainability Education 2020 And Forums

One of the key outcomes of ICSE 2019 was to create a Forum to regularly exchange ideas, experiences, and efforts across the network to carry the initiative forward. The first Forum was held on World Environment Day 2020 (4-5 June 2020) through an International Webinar and School Principals Conclave with the theme “Sustainability Education In Covid Era”. On 11th July 2020, ICSE Forum 2 was held in conjunction with World Population Day 2020, with a webinar titled “Population And Sustainability In The Covid Era.”


Forum 1 – Webinar and Principals Conclave on the Theme “Sustainability Education in COVID Era” on 4-5th June 2020


Regarding current events, particularly COVID-19, the interlinkages between the pandemic, biodiversity, and habitat loss have been well established, and sustainability education can be a strategic asset in addressing both the environment and the pandemic challenge. Sustainability is shaping new ways of seeing the world and new practices and behaviours that allow for biodiversity conservation. 

The two-day ICSE Forum coincides with the theme of World Environment Day 2020, ‘Celebrating Biodiversity,’ and the event’s deliberation centred on the context of biodiversity and Covid-19. The webinar aimed to educate teachers, principals, and educators, as they will be the conduits through which students will learn about sustainability issues. This webinar also provided an opportunity for schools and research networks in ESD to collaborate and provide a model for the powerful interaction of a school system and resources.

The panellists and speakers shared their views on the specific themes of ESD and the role of educating on those aspects.

The key themes were: 

  1. How can sustainability issues such as biodiversity, climate change, and environmental protection be mainstreamed into the curriculum and on-ground practical actions in schools/campuses?
  2. How can the new normal of COVID-19 be used to address environmental challenges while making the campuses green to protect the environment and impart health benefits?
  3. The E-learning scenario has different trends in the metro and non-metro and urban and rural areas. The availability of the internet, devices, and e-resources is not uniform. How can educators bridge this digital divide? 
  4. Suggest a way forward for environmental sustainability education during and beyond COVID-19.




World Population Day is observed on July 11th every year to focus on the urgency and importance of population issues. The second Forum of ICSE 2020 implied the importance of ‘Investing in teenage girls,’ who face enormous challenges due to their vulnerabilities to social, cultural, economic, and environmental factors. More so in the current Covid era. 

Keeping in view the theme of World Population Day 2020 and in line with the Mobius Foundation’s vision on population stabilisation and sustainable living, a webinar titled ‘Population And Sustainability In Covid Era’ on Saturday, July 11th, 2020, between 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM (IST) was organised.

The objective of the webinar was to observe World Population Day to enhance awareness of population issues, including their relations to the environment and development in the context of COVID-19:

  1. To raise awareness about population growth and its impact on sustainability 
  2. To analyse the linkages of the population with health, socioeconomic, and cultural trends  
  3. To discuss the implications of Covid on the population and reproductive health
  4. To come out with recommendations and an action plan for implementation on the ground


  1. The urgency and importance of addressing population and sustainability issues
  2. Interlinkages of demographic and environmental trends, including population growth, aging, migration, and urbanisation
  3. Covid Pandemic Challenge vis a vis Population Dynamics and Environmental Stress


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Report : International Conference on Sustainability Education 2020 And Forums