Bharat Prem Mahotsav
Prem Jain Memorial Trust promotes Dr. Jain’s love for Sustainability and Mother Nature through weeklong celebrations titled “Harit Prem Bharat Mahotsav.” The Mahotsav is held from January 23 to 29 every year to celebrate Dr. Jain’s birth anniversary on January 26. Mr. Pradip Burman, Chairman Mobius Foundation, was invited as a keynote speaker on January 27, 2021. In his speech, he introduced the projects and programmes of Mobius Foundation with a special focus on education and population stabilization. He emphasized the relation between the growing population, housing, carbon emissions and the need for green buildings. He motivated the youth of today to work in the field of climate change as they are the ones who will inherit this planet. He believes that for future generations to survive, the planet has to survive.